Author’s note
This is the real story of a peasant’s son Ram Surat Kunwar, in a remote village on the bank of Ganges, turned to be a great Spiritual Master by the grace of the then Spiritual Masters of India. His name is immortalized in the Spiritual field of the world. His story narrates how a good man could become a God Man. The author believes that the events and experiences in the life of Ram Surat Kunwar and his devotees will have tremendous impact on one’s life. They will affect and awake the untouched holistic spiritual energy, in the deep chamber of the human beings and enable them evolve to the state of ultimate God Realization.
How the youth Ram Surat Kunwar was dragged from the remote village Nardara on the bank of the Ganges in North India to the holy hill Arunachala and towards the then Spiritual Masters in South India still remains a great mystery. After he merged totally in his Father, God, his whole life was dedicated to the service of all living beings. He imparted his divine wisdom to the eligible seekers and alleviated the sufferings of common people with great love and compassion.
Ram Surat Kunwar bloomed as a great Yogi, like the ancient and contemporary Masters of this benevolent Spiritual Land, India. His whole life was focused upon Self Realization. It is a blissful benediction to go through the life of this great Yogi, who helped people to evolve towards God. It was a benevolent experience seeing Yogi alleviating the sufferings of people, imparting the divine wisdom and merging the eligible into his own self.
Ram Surat Kunwar braved his path with unshakable faith on his guru. He finally attained God Realization without adopting any religious rituals. He did not lean upon any traditional customs of religions, but focused all his attention to the life and teachings of his masters. The masters’ ways were mysterious. They brought him to Tiruvannamalai and worked on him. They made him whole and enabled him to help the future seekers who should also cross this mighty ocean of samsara. After becoming whole, Yogi suggested people to remember his own name for spiritual evolution. Yogi never bothered about any conventional religious practices. Yogi assured that if the people are able to remember his Name, the holy mantra, ‘YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR’ constantly, it would enable them to evolve towards the highest spiritual state, i.e. oneness with God. Indeed, it is exceptionally unique in the spiritual history of India that a Yogi has offered his own name for the ultimate oneness with God.
Even after Yogi Ramsuratkumar dropped his mortal body, Yogi directed the author to reach his birth place with the help of His two other devoted children Parthiban and Sakthivel in a mysterious way to explore the possibilities of knowing Yogi’s early life. There, the story of the Master was narrated to them without any hesitation by the family members of Ram Surat Kunwar. The author salutes and expresses his gratitude to all the family members of Ram Surat Kunwar, particularly Smt. Ram Ranjini Devi and Sri. Amitabh Kunwar, the wife and son of Ram Surat Kunwar respectively. Smt. Ram Ranjini Devi passed away on 25/12/2004.
The events narrated in this book are either told by Yogi Ramsuratkumar or his family members on various occasions or are directly witnessed by the author during his association with Yogi from 1976 to 2001. During those 25 years, the author witnessed and enjoyed the compassionate works of Yogi that helped thousands of people to sail over their lives. The author could narrate only a few in this book. The author has attempted to bring out only the human aspects of this great Yogi. It is impossible to describe his divine aspects in words, but, one can perceive Yogi’s wholeness and merge in his Infinite vastness by remembering his name constantly.
Yogi Ramsuratkumar gave the title ‘AMARAKAVYAM’ for this book long before in 1982. On that day Yogi handed over a bunch of papers to the author and instructed him to write about him. Yogi told that the writings of the author would become an ‘Amarakavyam’. In the same year Yogi Ramsuratkumar introduced his family members, who visited Yogi for the first time after a period of 25 years, to the author and his other friends Sri Murugeshan of Tuticorin and Sri Sivasankaran of Sivakasi.
This book ‘AMARAKAVYAM’ narrates the events that happened in the life of Yogi Ramsuratkumar from 1918 to 2001, till his mahasamadhi. The author is able to narrate only a very small part of the life of this great Yogi. The author feels that even that small part might be a great benediction for the seekers and the same might be useful to them to lead their day to day life in such a way that will bring bliss and harmony. It may also help to unravel the mystery of this great spiritual master.
The author is not a qualified man. This is his first venture to write a book about a great Yogi. He has to record the biography of Yogi authentically, because people from several quarters are trying to twist and dilute it with imaginary religious fictions.
It is said that one should not probe the source of a river or a rishi. But Yogi is neither a rishi nor a river. He is beyond everything, far, far away from the all known titles of god men of the world. He is a perfect human, a perfect god-child, a perfect spiritual master and a perfect avatar. The author feels joy and satisfaction in bringing out this book.
The language and presentation of the book is not up to the mark, the author knows. Yet he earnestly hopes that this book will help the seeker to understand the works of the divine spiritual master.
The author conveys his heartfelt gratitude for the great support in bringing out this book in such a beautiful way to Sri Rajesh and his team in M/S. Srinivas Fine Arts (P) Ltd., Sivakasi and Chennai.