Janardhanan’s Resignation
Janardhanan didn’t like Yogi staying in the ‘D’s house. ‘D’ and her friends’ close proximity to Yogi was the prime reason for their continuous interference in the ashram activities, he believed. He also believed that ‘D’ and her friends took advantage of their closeness to Yogi and dictated everybody, including Janardhanan in the name of Yogi. He felt that his freedom was lost. He was deeply hurt and disturbed. He was in angry. He was not able to understand his guru’s actions. He wanted to have the clarification from Yogi, but he could not muster courage to discuss with Yogi. At the same time he was not able to withstand the irritating comments and criticism of ‘D’ and her friends. He didn’t defend himself by talking plainly with the ladies. He kept mum and was confused. His only outlet was the friends, who also could not help him much to improve the situation.
Even though Yogi supported him indirectly, Janardhanan was not able to work as usual. He was all the time grumbling. His friends Raghu, Ramamurti and Parthasarathy tried to console him and encourage him to tell everything to Yogi. However, Janardhanan was in a dilemma whether to express his dissatisfaction to Yogi about the change of the plan and the irritation he suffered due to the unwarranted interference of the people around Yogi in the day to day affairs of the ashram. He felt that the people around Yogi treated him like their subordinate and it hurt him the most. He narrated the problems to his family. His family members insisted him to come back to Bangalore and look after his business and family. Day by day the atrocities of the people around Yogi got increased. Those people always commanded and teased Janardhanan. Their way of talking disheartened Janardhanan. Yogi was a silent spectator. Yogi already told Janardhanan that he wanted to conduct a different sort of leela and Janardhanan should not mind it and carry on his work constructing the ashram. Janardhanan felt that he had lost his freedom. He also felt that Yogi had distanced him deliberately. At the same time he could not have the courage to tell Yogi that he wanted to go back home and was not able to work for Yogi under the command of the people around Yogi.
One day, Yogi called Janardhanan to the ‘D’s house to discuss about the progress of the ashram. Janardhanan went there and found Yogi was busy talking with some other friends. He returned to the ashram without meeting Yogi. In the house Yogi was waiting for Janardhanan, but the latter had not turned up. In the evening when Janardhanan visited Yogi again, Yogi asked Janardhanan why he did not come in the morning. Janardhanan said that Yogi was busy with some other friends and so he did not like to disturb Yogi. On hearing his words Yogi asked Janardhanan with strong words whether he wanted Yogi to give a special protocol to the Trustee Janardhanan. On hearing Yogi, the life trustee was bewildered. The harsh language from Yogi was new to him. He was shocked and confused.
Later there was a hectic discussion about the celebration of laying the foundation stone of the ashram. ‘D’ and her friends suggested inviting big political leaders or high ranked bureaucrats, but Yogi expressed his intention to invite Swami Satchidananda of Anandashram. The people around Yogi had to accept Yogi’s suggestion. Yogi called Janardhanan and discussed the issue with Janardhanan, who was very glad to invite Swami Satchidananda. Janardhanan immediately made arrangements to invite Swami Satchidananda. He talked over phone to Swami Satchidananda and the latter also accepted to come to Tiruvannamalai to grace the function. The date was fixed 26/2/1994 and the time of the ceremony was 3 Am in the very early morning.
Swami Satchidananda reached Chennai and from Chennai, he was taken to Tiruvannamalai by the car of Sri Krishna, a devotee from Bombay. Sri Krishna had contributed a substantial amount with great and humble heart to the noble cause of Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram. Krishna took Swami Satchidananda to Ramanashram, where the Swami wanted to go first to pay his respects to Ramana Maharishi’s Samadhi.
In the meantime, even before Swami Satchidananda reached Ramanashram, Yogi came to Ramanashram to receive Swami Satchidananda. Yogi was requested by the Ramanashram to take rest in the guest house just opposite to the ashram till Swami Satchidananda reached. Yogi with the friends and devotees was waiting in the guest house. Yogi instructed Parthasarathy to wait in Ramanashram and as soon as Swami Satchidananda reached, Parthasarathy should inform Swami Satchidananda that Yogi was waiting in the guest house.
Parthasarathy was waiting in the ashram. Swami Satchidananda arrived at Ramanashram. A lot of devotees assembled there to receive Swami. With great difficulty Parthasarathy was able to go near Swami to inform that Yogi was waiting in the guest house for Swami Satchidananda. Parthasarathy had the privilege of having Swami’s association from early 1980’s. Swami Satchidananda told Parthasarathy that Swami would salute the Samadhi of Ramana first and then come to the guest house to see Yogi. Parthasarathy immediately went to Yogi and informed Yogi. Yogi asked Parthasarathy to wait at the gate of Ramanashram and as soon as Swami Satchidananda started, he should inform Yogi. Parthasarathy was waiting at the gate of Ramanashram. In a few minutes Swami came out of the shrine and Parthasarathy ran to the guest house and informed Yogi.
Yogi got up from his seat and slowly walked towards the gate of the guest house, where both Yogi Ramsuratkumar and Swami Satchidananda met after thirty eight years. Swami Satchidananda, on seeing Yogi, touched Yogi’s feet and the next moment Yogi’s whole physical frame was at the feet of Swami Satchidananda. The way of expression of the both saints on seeing each other was a great feast for the real seekers and also a great teaching, how one should have the reverence and love for saints. Touching one another’s feet was not mechanical or formal. The saints’ whole frame was in each other’s feet and then they were virtually in each other’s arms.
Both the great saints went inside the guest house. There was a great joy. Spiritual aroma had enveloped the whole place. Both the saints were in each other’s arm and were all the time laughing and laughing. It was a great feast for the devotees and the benediction lasted for several hours. It was a practical teaching of the masters, which exhibited real love and friendship. After a few hours of happy conversation, Yogi invited Swami to participate in the function. Swami told that he came to Tiruvannamalai only to attend the function. Then Yogi took leave of Swami and went to the ‘D’s house. The Swami took rest in the guest house of Ramanashram.
The next day Swami Satchidananda visited Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram. The Swami was received with all the respects and regards by the devotees and Yogi. Swami was seated near Yogi and again there was joy in the whole atmosphere and it rejuvenated the spiritual energy in all the devotees, who had the privilege of witnessing the great event, the meeting of two saints.
The next day early morning around 3 Am, the foundation stone was unveiled by Swami Satchidananda, which was marked by simple, but happy celebrations. On the same day Swami Satchidananda gave a small discourse, which brought joy to all the devotees. All the time Yogi got hold of Swami’s arm with love and affection. Yogi asked the people to record the talking of Swami Satchidananda. The Swami was telling that Yogi was earlier like the wind, totally free, but, now he had been caught in the web of the ashram and so Yogi was not that free like earlier. Yogi was listening with joy. Yogi was radiating peace and freedom. Ashram was Yogi’s creation and Yogi was never caught by the ashram. Yogi was the divine child of Papa Swami Ramdas, who was eternally free. Yogi too was eternally free and none and nothing could bind him at any point of time after he merged in Swami Ramdas. The same day Swami Satchidananda left for Chennai.
On the next day, Yogi called Anjaneyalu who was the author and founder of Yogi Ramsuratkumar Trust and discussed with him about the new plan of the huge structure. Anjaneyalu had only working experience of constructing small residential homes and other small structures. He never had built such a big structure. He didn’t have the suitable educational background either. Anyhow he had a huge labor team. A massive hall of 350 feet length, 150 feet width and around 50 feet height without any supporting pillars could not be built with the labor force alone, without the advice and guidance of qualified architects and engineers. It should be a team work.
So far Anjaneyalu had functioned independently in the construction works of Ramanashram and so he could not tolerate the instructions and suggestions from the architects and engineers. The friends of the ladies always commanded and instructed Anjaneyalu. There were no cordial suggestions or directions from those people. They always dictated Anjaneyalu, which Anjaneyalu did not like. They treated Anjaneyalu like a mason. It irritated Anjaneyalu. Even though Yogi treated Anjaneyalu with great love and regard, Yogi too clearly instructed Anjaneyalu to get directions from those people. So, Anjaneyalu was also grumbling and frustrated. In due course he stopped visiting Yogi in the ashram. Yogi wanted to build the structure immediately, but both Janardhanan and Anjaneyalu were not cooperating and were grumbling. Yogi sent for Anjaneyalu several times, but Anjaneyalu hesitated to visit Yogi.
On 27th February 1994, early morning around 7 o’ clock, Yogi went to Ramanashram to meet Anjaneyalu, along with ‘D’. Yogi was seated in the President’s room of Ramanashram. The President of Ramanashram was present too. Anjaneyalu was not there. The President of Ramanashram sent for Anjaneyalu. In a short while Anjaneyalu came. He prostrated before Yogi. Yogi got hold of his hand and requested him to help Yogi to construct the ashram structure according to the plan of the physician from Kerala. Anjaneyalu told Yogi that so far he had done the construction works independently and nobody had ever commanded him. But there were a lot of power centers in the ashram and so he could not work thereafter, he told.
On seeing the refusal of Anjaneyalu, Yogi asked Anjaneyalu to call Janardhanan to Ramanashram over phone. Janardhanan and other friends were then in the Sivakasi Nadar Chatram. Anjaneyalu called Janardhanan over phone informing that Yogi was waiting for him in the Ramanashram. Janardhanan came with Parthasarathy to Ramanashram. Parthasarathy waited in the car. Janardhanan went inside the President’s room and saw Yogi sitting with the President of Ramanashram. He prostrated before Yogi.
Yogi told Janardhanan that Anjaneyalu did not like to work and so let them go back to the ‘D’s house to discuss what should be done next. Janardhanan immediately told Yogi that if Anjaneyalu was not working, then he should also be relieved from the work. Yogi got up immediately on listening to the words of Janardhanan. Yogi walked out along with ‘D’ after saluting the President of Ramanashram. Parthasarathy was ready in the car parking area with the car to take Yogi back to the Sudama house. Yogi on seeing Parthasarathy turned his face and hired an auto to go back to the ‘D’s house. Janardhanan and Parthasarathy went back to Sivakasi Nadar Chatram. In a few minutes Dr. Ramanathan the younger brother of Justice T.S.Arunachalam came to Sivakasi Nadar Chatram to inform Janardhanan that Yogi wanted Janardhanan and other friends to come to the ashram at 9 am.
Janardhanan, Raghunath, Ramamurti and Parthasarathy went to the Ashram. On the way they picked up Anjaneyalu from Ramanashram. They all went to the Darshan Mandir, where Yogi was sitting with the ladies, sadhu Rangarajan, Justice T.S.Arunachalam, his younger brother Dr. Ramanathan, T.S.Mani, Engineer Sundararaman, his wife Prabha, Kulothungan, Panchapakeshan and several other devotees.
Janardhanan and the friends sat in front of Yogi. Yogi told Justice T.S. Arunachalam that Anjaneyalu did not like to work for Yogi and so Janardhanan also wanted to be relieved. Janardhanan told immediately that even if Anjaneyalu would accept to work, he would not work further for Ashram. Yogi asked the Justice to take Janardhanan and the friends outside the Darshan Mandir and talk to them. Justice T.S.Arunachalam and the friends talked for a while. Justice T.S.Arunachalam was in a great hurry to return to Madras and so he was not able to spare much time to listen to Janardhanan. He just used a few words to convince Janardhanan to work. Janardhanan refused. The discussion was over and in a few minutes all returned to the Darshan Mandir.
Justice told Yogi that Janardhanan was not willing to work for Yogi and ashram. Yogi immediately told Justice that if that was the case, let Janardhanan give the resignation letter. Justice intervened and asked Yogi to whom Janardhanan should submit his resignation. Yogi told that as the ashram and the trust had borne Yogi’s name, let Janardhanan give the resignation to Yogi himself. Janardhanan immediately wrote his resignation in the Trust Letter Pad and submitted it to Yogi.
Yogi received the letter and asked Justice T.S.Arunachalam what should be done next. Justice told that the Trust should not be vacant without the trustees and so new trustees should be appointed. Yogi consulted ‘D’, who suggested sadhu Rangarajan first for the Trusteeship. Yogi accepted the suggestion. Then she suggested Sundaraman, who was an engineer. But Sundaraman was hesitating as he was in a Government job. ‘D’ suggested as they needed the service of Sundaraman, his wife Prabha could be made a trustee. Sundaraman said that if Yogi wanted him to resign from the Government job, he was ready to do that. But Yogi did not want him to resign and made his wife Prabha a trustee. Then ‘D’ suggested T.S.Mani. The latter was from Madras and was a follower of sadhu Rangarajan. Yogi approved that suggestion also. ‘D’ finally suggested Justice T.S.Arunachalam for which Justice replied that he was then the sitting Judge of Madras High Court and would get retirement in two years and till that time Yogi could make either his wife or his younger brother Dr. Ramanathan as a trustee. Finally it was decided that Dr. Ramanathan should become a trustee till Justice would come after his retirement to the service of the ashram. Yogi agreed for that also.
Then Yogi got up. Yogi asked Kulothungan, a long time close devotee of Yogi, whether he was prepared to become a trustee. Kulothungan told that he was ready to work, but not with any title. Yogi asked Panchapakeshan, who was the elder brother’s son of Raghunath whether he could work for Yogi. Panchabakeshan also politely refused. Then Yogi asked Raghunath, whether he would be with Yogi. Raghunath replied that everyone was with Yogi. When Yogi specifically asked Raghunath whether he would work without Janardhanan, Raghunath also politely refused. Yogi enquired Ramamurti, for which Ramamurti answered that while a chief minister resigned then the whole council of the ministers should resign. Yogi came to Parthasarathy. Yogi didn’t ask Parthasarathy’s willingness, but told loudly that he would not be willing to work without Janardhanan.
Yogi went back to his seat and asked Justice T.S.Arunachalam what should be done next. Justice T.S.Arunachalam noted the names of the new trustees on a piece of paper and suggested to Yogi to write “Approved” and then put Yogi’s signature approving the new trustees on the same paper. Yogi wrote and signed, as suggested by Justice T.S.Arunachalam. Justice told that Janardhanan should handover all the documents including the bank pass book, cheque book to the new trustees. Sadhu Rangarajan, who wanted to exhibit his involvement and to reign supreme in the Trust, irritated Janardhanan by demanding several petty things. Finally Yogi intervened and stopped Rangarajan. Janardhanan handed over everything to sadhu Rangarajan.